This is huge for New York State’s tourism and recreational
opportunities: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s is proposing a $300 million plan
to reimagine the Erie Canal by creating recreational activities on the Canal to
boost tourism and recreational
fishing, mitigate flooding, enhance irrigation and restore wetlands.
“When the Erie Canal was created in the
19th century it set the state and the nation on a path to
prosperity, and this year we will repurpose the canal to fit our state’s
21st century needs,” Governor
Cuomo said. “This bold and visionary plan to transform
this historic waterway will build on the success of the Empire State Trail (750
miles of connected bikeways), grow tourism across Upstate New York,
improve resilience of today’s Canal communities and ensure the
economic sustainability of the waterway into the future.”
“The canals have played a crucial role in New York’s history and
growth, and with the implementation of these new exciting projects, the canals
will remain a vital force and make a positive contribution to the economic
well-being and quality of life in the 225 communities they travel through,”
said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul.
A first phase of funding starting this year – through the New
York Power Authority Board which oversees the Canal Corporation as a subsidiary
– includes a $100 million economic development fund to invest
in communities along the Canal and a separate $65 million investment
in solutions that will help prevent ice jams and related flooding in the
Schenectady area.
The remaining $135 million of the plan’s funding will subsequently be allocated
to research recommended by the Reimagine Task Force, as well
as to solutionsrelated to flood mitigation,
invasive species prevention and ecosystem restoration.
New Economic Development Fund for Canal Communities
In the first phase of the program, a $100 million economic
development fund will support projects that adaptively reuse canal
infrastructure to enhance water recreation, tie the Canal’s new
recreational improvements to the Governor’s Empire State Trail,
celebrate historic canal structures, and develop unique canalside
attractions and activities. Roughly $25 million of that will be allocated
immediately to a set of initial projects:
Connecting Communities: The “Brockport Loop” project in Monroe County will
connect SUNY College at Brockport to the Empire State
Trailand the village of Brockport through
the transformation of a canal guard-gate into a
pedestrian bridge and overlook, with a supporting grant of $2 million
from the Ralph Wilson Foundation.
Celebrating “Iconic Infrastructure”:Interactive, hydro-powered illumination of Canal “movable
dams” – initially in
Amsterdam and Canajoharie in the
Mohawk River valley – will celebrate the Canal’s
heritage and its history as an engineering marvel.
Expanding Water Recreation: A new whitewater destination, at the north end of Cayuga Lake near Seneca
Falls, will rely on existing water control infrastructure to construct an
active water sports course adjacent to the Montezuma National
Wildlife Refuge, to increase eco-tourism and sport visitors to the region.
Adapting Industrial Property for New
Uses: Winner of the Reimagine the Canals competition,
a canalside pocket neighborhood, will be developed by Madison
County in Central New York at a former industrial
property in Canastota along the Old Erie Canal –
demonstrating a new model for 21st century canalside living.
Developing Destination Accommodations: The
historic Guy Park Manor, on the Mohawk River in
Amsterdam, will be reborn as a hospitality destination and a
pedestrian bridge constructed
across the already-existing Canal lock will provide
access to additional overnight accommodation along the Empire
State Trail on the opposite side of the river.
World-Class Fishing and Restored Wetlands
To create world-class fishing in Western New York, the new
plan recommends managing water releases from the Canal to enhance fish
habitat, improve angling opportunities, and extend the fall fishing season in
Lake Ontario tributaries. It also includes funding to expand public
fishing access along key streams in Orleans, Monroe and Niagara
Counties. In addition, it identifies a program to divert Canal water to restore and
re-nourish wetlands in Central New York that were compromised a
century ago by the Canal’s construction. This will allow areas in
close proximity to the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, a migratory
stopover for more than 1 million birds each
year, to be significantly enhanced to further
attract naturalists, locals, and visitors from throughout the region and
Ideas in this plan originated from the Reimagine the
Canals Task Force recommendations, launched by
Governor Cuomo in May of 2019 to pursue a
comprehensive investigation of how the 195-year-old Erie Canal
could be reimagined for the 21st century. The Reimagine
the Canals Task Force Report was just released.
The Task Force engaged with municipal leaders, stakeholders, local
business owners, scientists and other experts, along with community
members, to identify opportunities and solutions that support a
new vision for future investments in the waterway. Many of the ideas that the
Task Force explored came from the completed Reimagine the Canals competition, held
last year by the New York Power Authority and New York State Canal
Corporation. SUNY’s Rockefeller Institute of Government, on behalf of
the Task Force, conducted a series of outreach sessions during the summer
in five canal communities – Lockport, Brockport, Schenectady, Utica and
Syracuse – to solicit new ideas from the public at large. Ideas were also
solicited on a Reimagine the Canals website, offering more
distant canal users an opportunity to provide their views to the Task Force.
The “Reimagine” initiative builds on successful
efforts by Governor Cuomo to invest in the canal corridor, including
the state’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative and successful Taste NY program, which have stoked new industries,
businesses and housing in canal communities. Harnessing the Canal’s full
potential to attract more tourism and recreation is a key focus of the
Initiative. Governor Cuomo and state agency and authority staff
will collaborate with Empire Line communities and continue to consult with
Task Force members and other stakeholders to ensure the success
of projects as they move forward.
There are 1.6 million trips taken annually on the Erie Canal Trailway,
the former towpath used by mules and horses to pull barges in the canals’ early
days. The Trailway is part of Governor Cuomo’s Empire State Trail,
which at 750 miles will be the largest state multi-use trail network when
completed in late 2020. Governor DeWitt Clinton began work on the original
Erie Canal on July 4, 1817.
In addition to investing $300 million in the Canal System, there are
also plans to create two new state parks in the
Hudson Valley, add 4,000 acres of land to parks and introduce a $3 billion
“Restore Mother Nature” bond act.
Meanwhile, registration has opened for the
22nd Annual Cycle the Erie, eight-day 400-mile, fully supported biking/camping
trip, from Buffalo to Albany, operated by Parks & Trails NY, taking place
July 12-19, 2020. For information on
Cycle the Erie Canal, call Parks & Trails New York, 518-434-1583, email [email protected] or visit
Choctaw Nation Constitution of 1838 / The Constitution and Laws of the Choctaw Nation Park Hill, Cherokee Nation: John Candy, 1840. Photo credit: Ardon Bar-Hama
Herman Hollerith’s Punched Card Tabulator. Scientific American, vol. 63., no. 9. New York, 1890. Courtesy of David M. Rubenstein
Free Admission to Civics Exhibitions for College Students Through 2020
NEW YORK, NY – As election year 2020 begins, the New-York Historical Society launches a series of special exhibitions that address the cornerstones of citizenship and American democracy. Starting on Presidents’ Day Weekend, visitors to Meet the Presidents will discover how the role of the president has evolved since George Washington with a re-creation of the White House Oval Office and a new gallery devoted to the powers of the presidency. Opening on the eve of Women’s History Month, Women March marks the centennial of the 19th Amendment with an immersive celebration of 200 years of women’s political and social activism. Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions: Creating the American Republic explores the important roles state constitutions have played in the history of our country, while The People Count: The Census in the Making of America documents the critical role played by the U.S. Census in the 19th century—just in time for the 2020 Census.
To encourage first-time voters to learn about our nation’s history and civic as they get ready to vote in the presidential election, New-York Historical Society is offering free admission to these exhibitions to college students with ID through 2020, an initiative supported, in part, by The History Channel. This special program allows college students to access New-York Historical’s roster of upcoming exhibitions that explore the pillars of American democracy as they prepare to vote, most of them for the first time.
“The year 2020 is a momentous time for both the past and future of American politics, as the centennial of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, coincides with both a presidential election and a census year,” said Dr. Louise Mirrer, president and CEO of New-York Historical. “This suite of complementary exhibitions showcases the ideas and infrastructure behind our American institutions that establish and protect our fundamental rights to make our voices heard and opinions count. We hope that all visitors will come away with a wider understanding of the important role each citizen plays in our democracy.”
Meet the Presidents (February 14 – ongoing) Opening on Presidents’ Day Weekend, a special permanent gallery on New-York Historical’s fourth floor features a detailed re-creation of the White House Oval Office, where presidents have exercised their powers, duties, and responsibilities since 1909. Visitors to New-York Historical can explore the Oval Office, hear audio recordings of presidential musings, and even sit behind a version of the President’s Resolute Desk for a photo op.
Presidents can furnish the Oval Office to suit their own tastes, and this re-creation evokes the decor of President Ronald Reagan’s second term, widely considered a classic interpretation of Oval Office design. The Resolute Desk, which has been used by almost every president, was presented by Queen Victoria of England in friendship to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880. The original was made from timbers from the British Arctic explorer ship H.M.S. Resolute, which was trapped in the ice, recovered by an American whaling ship, and returned to England. Other elements reminiscent of the Reagan-era on view include a famous jar of jelly beans, an inspirational plaque reading “It can be done,” and artist Frederic Remington’s Bronco Buster bronze sculpture of a rugged cowboy fighting to stay on a rearing horse.
The Suzanne Peck and Brian Friedman Meet the Presidents Gallerytraces, through artwork and objects, the evolution of the presidency and executive branch and how presidents have interpreted and fulfilled their leadership role. Highlights include the actual Bible used during George Washington’s inauguration in 1789 and a student scrapbook from 1962 chronicling JFK’s leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Meet the Presidents is curated by Marci Reaven, vice president of history exhibits, and Lily Wong, assistant curator.
Women March (February 28 – August 30) For as long as there has been a United States, women have organized to shape the nation’s politics and secure their rights as citizens. Their collective action has taken many forms, from abolitionist petitions to industry-wide garment strikes to massive marches for an Equal Rights Amendment. Women March celebrates the centennial of the 19th Amendment—which granted women the right to vote in 1920—as it explores the efforts of a diverse array of women to expand American democracy in the centuries before and after the suffrage victory. On view in the Joyce B. Cowin Women’s History Gallery, Women March is curated by Valerie Paley, the director of the Center for Women’s History and New-York Historical senior vice president and chief historian, with the Center for Women’s History curatorial team. The immersive exhibition features imagery and video footage of women’s collective action over time, drawing visitors into a visceral engagement with the struggles that have endured into the 21st century.
The exhibition begins with the many ways women asserted political influence long before they even demanded the vote. Objects and images demonstrate how they risked criticism for speaking against slavery, signed petitions against Indian Removal, raised millions to support the Civil War, and protested reduced wages and longer days. A riveting recreation of an 1866 speech by African American suffragist and activist Frances Harper demonstrates the powerful debates at women’s rights conventions. Absence of the vote hardly prevented women from running for political office: one engaging item on display is a campaign ribbon for Belva Lockwood, the first woman to argue before the Supreme Court, who won around 4,000 votes in her own presidential bid.
Multiple perspectives on the vote, including African American and working-class activism, are explored, upending popular assumptions that suffragists were a homogenous group. The 19th Amendment is hailed as a crucial step forward, but recognized as an incomplete victory. One photograph shows an African American women’s voter group in Georgia circa 1920, formed despite wide disenfranchisement, and another shows women of the League of Women Voters who sought to make suffragists’ goals real with legislation that addressed issues such as public health and child welfare. A digital interactive monitor invites visitors to explore the nuances of voting laws concerning women across the entire United States.
Offering an examination of women’s activism in the century after the Amendment, the exhibition concludes by showing how women engaged with issues such as safe workplaces, civil rights, reproductive justice, and freedom from violence. Photographs and video footage of women building warships, boycotting segregation, urging voters to register, and marching for the Equal Rights Amendment convey the urgency of their desire for full citizenship. The dynamism of women’s collective action continues to the present day with handmade signs from the 2017 Women’s Marches and footage of a variety of marches and speeches on topics ranging from reproductive justice to indigenous peoples’ rights to climate change. Visitors can also learn about many individuals who have been instrumental in women’s activism over the past 200 years in an interactive display compiled by New-York Historical’s Teen Leaders program. Meanwhile, young visitors can explore the exhibition with a special family guide.
Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions (February 28 – May 31) America has been singular among nations in fostering a vibrant culture of engagement with constitutional matters and the fundamental principles of government. Featuring more than 40 books and documents from the Dorothy Tapper Goldman Foundation’s collection, Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions: Creating the American Republic illuminates America’s continuing debates on the role and limits of government and the fundamental rights of all citizens. From the early days of the American Revolution, to the American Civil War, to the eve of World War I, the rare and early printings of state and federal constitutions trace defining moments in American history and are testaments to our nation’s continuing experiment in self-government and the relentless quest for improvement.
Among the highlights on view is a rare example of the original Dunlap and Claypoole 1787 printing of the U.S. Constitution—one of few surviving copies. Manuscripts, such as the first known description of the Great Seal of America from 1782 and a certified 1802 handwritten copy of the 12th Amendment that altered the system for electing the president and vice president are also on view. The Choctaw Nation Constitution of 1838, written by members of the tribe forcibly relocated from Mississippi to Oklahoma, combines American constitutional forms with traditional practices in an effort to preserve self-government and prevent further violations of their fundamental rights. The Constitution of the Republic of Texas (1836) sanctioned slavery and led the United States to initially decline Texas’ requests for annexation; the inclusion of slavery in the Missouri Constitution of 1820 also led to a bitter fight in Congress to deny Missouri admission to the union. The progressive Louisiana Constitution of 1868 of the Civil War Reconstruction period prohibited segregation of schools by race. Kansas was the first of more than 30 states to prohibit alcohol with the Kansas State Prohibition Amendment of 1880, eventually leading to national Prohibition through the 18th Amendment in 1919. The Wyoming Constitution of 1889 declared that “male and female citizens” could exercise all rights equally, including the right “to vote and hold office”—three decades before federal ratification of the 19th Amendment. The bilingual New Mexico Constitution of 1910—Constitution of the State of New Mexico/Constitucion del Estado de Nuevo Mexico—guaranteed that all laws, including the constitution, would be published in both English and Spanish for at least 20 years.
Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions: Creating the American Republic also includes a selection of songs from WNYC’s Radio Lab “27: The Most Perfect Album,” in which contemporary musicians were asked to interpret the 27 amendments of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights in their own distinctive style with original new music. Musicians include Flor de Toloache, Sons of an Illustrious Father, Nana Grizol, Dolly Parton, and Caroline Shaw. The full album was conceived by the podcast More Perfect, a production of WNYC Studios, and is available for free online.
This exhibition is the first public viewing of these selected historical documents together, and after its run at New-York Historical, it travels to the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia (June 12 – July 5, 2020). Curated by James F. Hrdlicka of Arizona State University with Michael Ryan, New-York Historical vice president and Sue Ann Weinberg director of the Patricia D. Klingenstein Library, the exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue written by Dr. Hrdlicka, with a foreword by Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and with contributions by Dorothy Tapper Goldman and Robert McD. Parker.
The People Count: The Census in the Making of America (March 13 – June 7) What does it mean to be counted? As the 2020 Census kicks off, The People Count: The Census in the Making of America from the David M. Rubenstein Americana Collection provides an in-depth look at the origins and story of the U. S. Census from 1790 through the 1800s, using 30 books and manuscripts that reveal the critical role the Census played in the development of the country. America became the first country to count its inhabitants for reasons of governing, as it dictates the number of House of Representatives seats that each state gets. In the 19th century as the country grew, so did the stakes of the census process, which further drove our nation west—and to war with itself.
The 2020 census will be the 24th decennial count undertaken without fail for 230 years. Censuses before the Constitution were the charge of the Board of Trade, which sent questionnaires to every colonial governor. “The Present State of the British Colonies in America” on display transcribes the results from 1773 to 1775, just as the American Revolution began, describing the people and land that England controlled at the time. On March 1, 1790, the First Census Act passed. The first census took 18 months to finish and counted almost 4 million people. Thomas Jefferson, then secretary of state, improvised a 56-page report, signing and circulating it privately, a copy of which is on view.
The People Count pays particular attention to the problem of the Three-Fifths Compromise, the census-related clause in the Constitution that regarded slaves equal to 60% of freepersons. Unable to vote, enslaved people unwittingly added to the political representation of slaveholders. Displayed in the exhibition is the 1860 census, which counted 3.95 million slaves, an eighth of all Americans, and uncovered that in 10 years the North had gained 41% more people while the South grew by only 27%. On view are printings of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Ninth Census—Volume I, The Statistics of the Population of the United States, the 1870 census, when there was no longer slaves to be counted for the first time in nine censuses.
In the wake of the Civil War as the population grew and expanded west, the 1880 census reports took eight years to finish. An 1890 copy of Scientific American illustrates how the counting was accomplished in less time with the Punched Card Tabulator system invented by Herman Hollerith, a former census employee from Buffalo, New York. Divided into four devices for perforating, reading, and sorting, workers completed 62.9 million returns of 30 questions in less than five years.
The People Count: The Census in the Making of America is curated by Mazy Boroujerdi, advisor to the David M. Rubenstein Americana Collection, and by Michael Ryan, New-York Historical vice president and Sue Ann Weinberg director of the Patricia D. Klingenstein Library.
Historians and scholars engage in a slate of related conversations, lectures,
and intimate salons throughout the winter and spring. Black women and the 19th
Amendment (March 12), older women in American history (March 19), and the life
of Harriet Tubman (April 14) are among the topics explored during Women
March. Programs that focus on the spirit of the law and the separation of
powers (April 30), foreign influence in the 2020 election (May 2), and the
presidents vs. the press (May 21) illuminate the presidency and the importance
of the Oval Office. Scholars discuss power, politics, and madness (February 22)
and the enduring constitutional vision of the Warren Court (April 25), among
other programs focused on civics.
Family programs that take place on select weekends throughout the exhibitions’
run bring history to life for young visitors. One of the highlights is
International Women’s Day on Sunday, March 8, when families can make crafts and
meet historical interpreters portraying famous and little known leaders of the
women’s rights movement.
The New-York Historical Society, one
of America’s preeminent cultural institutions, is dedicated to fostering
research and presenting history and art exhibitions and public programs that
reveal the dynamism of history and its influence on the world of today. Founded
in 1804, New-York Historical has a mission to explore the richly layered
history of New York City and State and the country, and to serve as a national
forum for the discussion of issues surrounding the making and meaning of
history. New-York Historical is also home to the Patricia D. Klingenstein
Library, one of the oldest, most distinguished libraries in the nation—and one
of only 20 in the United States qualified to be a member of the Independent
Research Libraries Association—which contains more than three million books,
pamphlets, maps, newspapers, manuscripts, prints, photographs, and
architectural drawings.
The New-York Historical Society is located at 170 Central Park West at Richard
Gilder Way (77th Street), New York, NY 10024. Information: (212) 873-3400.
Website: Follow the museum on social media at @nyhistory on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr.
By Bill Chalmers & Pamela L. Chalmers, GreatEscape Adventures
Los Angeles, USA – Getting a kick taking an adventure used to be easy: visit South Atlantic’s remote St Helena, scuba dive Mexico’s underground river Cenote, hike up Mount Etna. Been there.
Nowadays, travelers looking for the next great adventure rush must: traverse Karakorum Highway, spend a night at Everest Base Camp, or swim with jellyfish in Palau. Done that.
But for those of us that: have zip-lined across the Grand Canyon, hiked Tasmania’s Overland Track, and are frankly sick of sand in every orifice after Burning Man. What’s next?
You may be among the World’s Most Interesting People, but for jaded travelers who have supposedly done everything and have nothing left on their Bucket Lists, here’s your what’s next eight over-the-top adventures from The World’s Greatest Travelers.
1. A long way to go to maybe be eaten alive! But, head to Cape Town, South Africa and go cage diving with Great White sharks. Come face-to-face with the world’s meanest badest coldest predator along the shark-abundant shores of South Africa. You will be sunk in a cage and given a poker stick for protection. Chances are, you’ll be okay. You’ll probably even see whales and dolphins too—being the smart mammals, they are always interested in watching stupid human tricks.
2. Take A Blind Date with the World – really! – by joining the 2020 edition of The Global Scavenger Hunt. This real-life Amazing Race-like event is for savvy globetrotters who want to test their travel IQ in a competitive setting where they will circumnavigate the globe in 23-days visiting ten countries as a participant in the annual travel adventure competition that crowns The World’s Greatest Travelers. Not for anal Type-A planners though, because you won’t know which country you are going to until you actually get to the airport! It’s the ultimate magical mystery tour. Their 2020 event takes place between April 17 and May 9, 2020. Applications now being accepted. I dare you…
3. Bike from sea-to-sea across a country. No, not across Canada (9,525+ km), but the more manageable country of Nicaragua that is only 568 km (352 miles) from the Pacific Ocean’s San Juan del Sur to Pearl Lagoon on the Atlantic Ocean side. The amazing 13-day mountain bike expedition will take you to volcanos, colonial towns, national parks, rainforests and lakes, as you share the road with trucks, cows, horses, pigs, and chickens. Do it now before the Chinese slice the nation in two ala Panama!
4. For the culinary daredevil in you, while you are in the geographic neighborhood, take in the wild-west of food: a pop-up jungle-to-table extravaganza in the Bolivian Amazon basin along the Beni River. Once every few years, local “back to nature” chefs converge to prepare exotic semi-illegal outside the villages dishes like: crocodile fillets in a coca leaf broth, grilled giant tapir meat served with a cocktail of fermented kecho fruit and cacao beans with a spicy chili pepper twist, paiche (a really big fish—a carp really) served with figs and spicy-sweet beetle larvae. They might also conjure up a purplish fungue—that may or may not have hallucinogenic effects, along with steamed giant river turtles. Caiman sushi anyone?
5. I took this serendipity challenge last year and ended up in Madagascar—pre-plague outbreak. Take the 24-Hours to Anywhere Challenge: It is our belief that with today’s growth of regional air carriers that you can be anywhere in the world in 24-hours. So, pick a destination furthest away geographically from you and attempt to get there in 24-hours. On a bet, I recently went from the San Francisco Bay Area to Antananarivo, Madagascar—17,599 kilometers away! SFO to IST (12:55 hours), then IST-ADD (5:30 hours), followed by a flight between Ethiopia (ADD) and Madagascar (TNR) (4:50 hours). I got to Madagascar in 23 hours and 41 minutes—but I did do it on the night we changed clocks! Tip: Bring a really good multi-media playlist.
6. We humans have gazed in wonder at the night skies before words hit paper; and you don’t have to be an astrophysicist to wonder what’s up. Nigh-sky travel (aka astrotourism) are great adventures to take. We suggest two spellbinding panoramas to be found: 1) Head to the Canary Islands international observatory at Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma for some sensational light pollution-free heavenly viewing. Or 2) for some really deep dark-sky space stargazing at a gold-certified Dark Sky Reserve, head to NamibRand Nature Reserve in Namibia where you can sleep out under the cloudless skies of Africa for a look at infinity…or at least some amazing celestial sights.
7. With age comes experience, and over the years we have suggested how to get higher highs: a lost weekend at an infamous Vegas dive bar, visiting a Bolivian pop-up cocaine bar, a Laotian opium den and how best to enjoy Peruvian ayahuasca. For this year’s vibe adventure, forget BC Bud, Emerald Triangle Kush and Colorado Wedding Cake, take a Jamaican Ganja tour. Turned up bright, the tour will take you and other like-minded and bud-tended friends to Rastafariland, with highlights including: Nine Mile, the boyhood home and final resting place of reggae superstar Bob Marley; Ocho Rios to relax and hike in nature; along with several plantations…aka ganja farms. Pick up is around noon, munchies and rum included, but hotel drop off time is vague.
8. Give peace a chance: start travel podcasting and make some faux press credentials, then head to Damascus and interview the loneliest man in the world: Syria’s Minister of Tourism. From 8 million tourists and 40% growth in 2011, to the nasty civil and chemical war, mostly, behind us, Syria is open for business again. You can visit one or two restaurants still open and err, ruins. Their catch phrase: “Syria … come see for yourself“. We know the UN Weapons Inspectors did. A few travel-related glitches though: all legal border crossings are closed, no FAA-approved commercial flights into or out of Damascus, those beach-side cabanas along the Mediterranean beaches are now refugee tents, and crime might be down, but war crimes are up. Sure, it is dark tourism at its finest, but so too is visiting Venice and Barcelona these days. We double-dare you!
As for us, we’ll be going on the around-the-world event, The Global Scavenger Hunt…better destinations, better experiences and better food. Got any novel adventures to share?
The title of The World’s Greatest Travelers and free trip around the world to defend their titles in the 2021 event await the travelers worthy enough to win the 16th edition of the world travel championship. The date for the 23-day 2020 Global Scavenger Hunt is April 17-May 9, 2020. Event participation is open but limited; the $25,000 per team entry fee includes all international airfare, First Class hotels, 40% of meals, and special event travel gear. All travelers are interviewed for suitability and single travelers are welcome to apply. For additional information visit, or contact GreatEscape Adventures Inc. at 310-281-7809.
Located in the heart of the City of Light, steps from the Louvre, Cheval Blanc Paris, opening in 2020, combines historical, cultural and contemporary features for an authentic Parisian experience. (c) Eric Leiberman/
Global luxury travel network Virtuoso® is sharing its list of the most exciting properties around the world debuting over the next six months. From the eternally popular such as France and Mexico to the more exotic, including Japan and Botswana, these hotels and resorts are setting new standards in the ultra-competitive luxury space. On Virtuoso’s must-see list, historic icons meet sleek beach resorts while lodges nestled in nature complement city retreats. The common thread among them is that these properties will delight guests with their distinctive character, varied experiences and superior service.
Cheval Blanc Paris,
France – Opening Spring
Located in the heart of
the City of Light, steps from the Louvre and the Marais, Cheval Blanc
Paris combines historical, cultural and contemporary features for an authentic Parisian experience. Floor-to-ceiling windows in
the 26 rooms and 46 suites offer views of famed landmarks and city life. Virtuoso
exclusives: upgrade upon arrival if available, daily full American breakfast
for two, fast-track immigration, complimentary round-trip private transfer with
VIP meet and greet, spa access, complimentary Wi-Fi and early check-in and late
check-out if available.
One&Only Mandarina,
Mexico – Opening June
Set in a lush,
beachfront jungle setting, the intimate resort boasts 104 standalone villas and
treehouses – each with a private pool. Guests will have access to innovative
culinary experiences, a lively beach club, wellness programming and a
playground of adventures on land and sea. Virtuoso exclusives: upgrade
on arrival if available, daily breakfast for two, $100 USD resort credit,
complimentary Wi-Fi, early check-in and late check-out if available.
The Tokyo EDITION,
Toranomon, Japan – Opening June
Located near Tokyo’s finest neighborhoods and attractions, the property will feature 206 rooms with stunning views of the city’s skyline, including 21 suites and a penthouse. A signature restaurant, cocktail bar and wellness spa will cultivate a unique, luxurious atmosphere. Virtuoso exclusives: upgrade upon arrival if available, daily breakfast for two, $100 USD hotel credit, complimentary Wi-Fi, and early check-in and late check-out if available.
Villa Igiea, a Rocco Forte Hotel, Italy – Opening June 2020
A former refuge for
royalty and Hollywood’s elite, Villa Igiea occupies a unique location
overlooking the azure waters of the Gulf of Palermo. After a restoration, the
iconic palazzo will showcase a fresh design while maintaining its timeless
splendor. Virtuoso exclusives: upgrade on arrival if available, daily
breakfast for two, $100 USD food and beverage credit, complimentary Wi-Fi, and
early check-in and late check-out if available.
Xigera, Botswana – Opening June 2020
Xigera is defined by
exceptional service, with 105 staff looking after just 24 guests in an
intimate, exclusive bush experience. The solar-powered lodge offers 12
suspended suites surrounded by ancient trees and flood plains, showcasing
bespoke works by Africa’s most exciting young artists and craftspeople. Virtuoso
exclusives to be announced.
Virtuoso’s long-running
Hotels & Resorts program has earned a reputation for launching new hotels,
courtesy of its successful Preview initiative. The Virtuoso collection offers
more than 1,400 outstanding hotels, resorts, spas, lodges, luxury camps
and villas in over 100 countries. When booked by a Virtuoso advisor,
either directly or at, each property offers exclusive
benefits valued at more than (U.S.) $500 per stay.
To view the network’s
portfolio of world-class properties and their amenities,
Virtuoso® is a leading international travel agency network specializing in
luxury and experiential travel. This by-invitation-only organization comprises
over 1,000 travel agency partners with 20,000 elite travel advisors in 50
countries throughout North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe,
Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Drawing upon its preferred
relationships with over 1,800 of the world’s best hotels and resorts, cruise
lines, airlines, tour companies and premier destinations, the network provides
its upscale clientele with exclusive amenities, rare experiences and privileged
access. More than $26.4 billion in annual travel sales makes Virtuoso a
powerhouse in the luxury travel industry. For more information, visit
Iceland and Greenland specialist Iceland ProCruises has released their 2021 Brochure which includes a price decrease for their “Best of Iceland” itinerary; no price increase on all other sailings and a new route for Greenland Cruises.
Reykjavik, Iceland – Iceland
and Greenland specialist Iceland ProCruises has released their 2021 Brochure
which includes a price decrease for their “Best of Iceland” itinerary; no price
increase on all other sailings and a new route for Greenland Cruises.
The itinerary for 2021 includes ten trips of the expedition ship OCEAN DIAMOND around Iceland, three trips “Best of Iceland” and two trips to Greenland. For all trips there is an early bird discount of 20 percent for bookings through 31st December 2020.
The company’s premier
itinerary – the circumnavigation of Iceland, is offered on ten departure dates
from mid-May to mid-august and one in early September. These trips with the
OCEAN DIAMOND are soft expedition cruises and are accompanied by an Icelandic
expedition team, who all speak English and German. The journey begins and ends
in Reykjavik. Ports on the circuit are Stykkisholmur, Isafjördur, Siglufjördur,
Akureyri, Skjalfandi Bay, Seydisfjördur, Djupivogur and Vestmannaeyjar. The
ten-day (nine-night) trip is available from $2,320 per person.
The voyage “Best of
Iceland” will take guests to and from Reykjavik on the OCEAN DIAMOND for
seven nights around the island. The tour visits Stykkisholmur, Isafjördur,
Akureyri, Skjalfandi Bay, Djupivogur and on the Westman Islands. The eight-day
(seven night) trip sails September 6-19 is available from $1,840 per person.
The Iceland and Natural
Wonders of Greenland cruise will now combine Greenland’s East coast and West
coast. The new destination, East Greenland, is one of the most isolated areas
in the world. To the west, the massive central icecap rises 8,000 feet. To the
east is the open ocean, strewn with drifting sea ice from the North Pole. This
seclusion is the reason why traditions and culture run deeper here than
anywhere else in Greenland. Untouched nature with huge fjords and mighty
icebergs dominates the landscape. There are two trips to Greenland with flights
to and from Kangerlussuaq (Greenland) and Keflavik included in the price. The
Natural Wonders of the West Coast of Greenland is available August 7 to 18 from
Reykjavik via East Greenland to Narsarsuaq. From Greenland’s capital Nuuk, the
route leads to Ilulissat with its ice fjord before cruising onward via
Uummannaq to the destination port of Kangerlussuaq. The twelve-day trip (11
night) is available from $3,195 per person. The second itinerary travels from
Kangerlussuaq to Reykjavik August 18 to 29 and is available from $3,195 per
There is still
availability for cruises in 2020 around Iceland and Greenland. When booking
until 31st December 2019 the early bird discount of 20 percent applies.
Bookings may be made with a local travel agency or directly at +1 678 701 5830. More information at, including rates and schedules for 2021.
Iceland ProCruises is part of the Iceland ProTravel group which is located in six
countries and a leading tour operator for incoming travelers to Iceland. Their
office in Iceland includes: Iceland ProCruises, Iceland ProTravel–a local DMC,
Iceland ProTravel Services and Iceland ProFishing. Gudmundur Kjartansson, a
native Icelander, and Ann-Cathrin Bröcker from Luxembourg, owners of the whole
Iceland ProTravel group have over twenty years of combined experience in
Icelandic tourism.
The Travel Corporation’s non-profit foundation, Treadright, welcomes new project partnership in Seville, Spain with The Cristina Heeren Foundation of Flamenco Art to support the conservation of flamenco dance.
Calif.- The TreadRight Foundation, a joint initiative between The Travel Corporation’s (TTC) family
of award-winning brands, including Trafalgar, Uniworld, Insight Vacations,
Contiki and Red Carnation Hotels, has announced a new project
partnership with The Cristina Heeren Foundation of Flamenco Artin
Seville, Spain. The new project falls under TreadRight’s ‘People’ pillar,
which encourages the cultures, traditions and arts of the communities TTC
Cristina Heeren Foundation of Flamenco Art is a private, non-profit entity,
created in 1993 in Seville by Cristina Heeren, Hispanist and American patron.
Its aims are the promotion, the teaching and the conservation of flamenco both
in Andalusia and Spain, as well as internationally.
TreadRight Foundation is supporting The Cristina Heeren Foundation of Flamenco
Art by establishing four scholarships for advanced guitar, singing and dance
students at the Foundation. The TreadRight scholarships will
be dedicated to advanced students who need financial assistance to complete
their third or fourth year of training. These higher-level students display
great skill and competence in their disciplines, however, they often struggle
to find the funds to continue or complete their training. The TreadRight
scholarship will now allow them to see their training through to its completion.
addition, Insight Vacations and Luxury Gold guests will have a culturally
immersive and unique experience while visiting The Cristina Heeren Foundation
on select trips. They will start with a flamenco dance
class before taking front-seats for a fiery performance of flamenco to truly
embrace the artform.
who has ever had the chance to experience a flamenco performance can’t help but
be moved by the centuries old artistic tradition. It is obvious why UNESCO
recognized flamenco as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and
Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2010,” says Brett Tollman,
Chief Executive, TTC and Founder, The TreadRight Foundation. “It
represents such an incredible and indelible contribution to Spanish culture and
heritage, as well as world culture and heritage. We are delighted to be
partnering with The Cristina Heeren Foundation to help support the brilliant
young artists working to keep this beautiful tradition alive and thriving.”
our friends at the TreadRight Foundation should have understood the importance
of Flamenco, a unique art form, is close to miraculous,” shared
Cristina Heeren, President of The Cristina Heeren Foundation of Flamenco Art. “Indeed,
few people realize that flamenco is unique, being a product of the numerous
ethnic influences left behind by those groups that settled in
southern Spain over the centuries. Now, thanks to the TreadRight
scholarships, our most promising students will be able to enter the
professional world,” she continued.
1996, the prestigious school has trained more than 6,000 youths from around the
world in song, dance and guitar. It has been recognized with the Flamenco
in the Classroom Prize from the Andalusian Government, the Order
of Alfonso X from Spain’s Ministry of Culture, the National Teaching Prize from
the Chair of Flamencology in Jerez and the distinction Flamenco Thursdays from
the Cajasol Foundation, among other honors.
as a joint initiative between The Travel Corporation’s (TTC) family of brands,
The TreadRight Foundation is a not-for-profit working to safeguard the planet,
wildlife & people for generations to come. TreadRight’s mission is to
#MakeTravelMatter through conservation, leadership and support for
communities. To date, TreadRight has supported over 55+ sustainable
tourism projects in 280+ communities worldwide. Foundation priorities are set
by the Steering Committee. Past project partners include WWF,
Conservation International, WildAid, The Travel Foundation and The
National Trust in the UK. Current initiatives include the Wildlife Conservation
Society’s Big Cat fund, and inspiring nature advocates
like Céline Cousteau, Costas Christ and Terri Irwin. To learn more about our
past and current work at TreadRight, please visit us at and follow us on Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter using our hashtag
Save Venice, an American nonprofit organization, has formed an Immediate Response Fund for artistic and cultural heritage recovery following the extreme floods (acque alte) that devastated Venice between November 12-17, 2019. The Embassy of Italy in Washington DC and Save Venice are partnering to raise funds for the Immediate Response Fund, which will support urgent relief efforts and preventative conservation. Donations can be made at by selecting the Immediate Response Fund, and will be matched by Save Venice, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000 through February 2020.
“Save Venice was born in the aftermath
of the terrible floods of November 1966, and the November 2019 floods
underscore the urgency of our mission,” said Save Venice Chairman Frederick Ilchman. “The Immediate Response
Fund will allow Save Venice to move quickly to mitigate the effects of
corrosive saltwater and deposits in flooded churches, museums, and comparable
public buildings, to support emergency conservation treatment for paintings,
stonework, floors, wooden furnishings, and books and archival documents, as
well as to undertake preventative conservation to minimize damage from future
floods. We will continue to do what our track record proves we do best: protect
Venice’s irreplaceable artistic heritage.”
The Italian Ambassador, Armando Varricchio, noted, “Venice has deep
historical roots and is a modern and vibrant city, innovative and open to the
future with a strong entrepreneurial and industrial background. Venice and
Venetians are resilient. They will rise to this challenge,” adding that “the legacy
of the past, the energy and dynamism of nowadays Venice are the solid
foundations on which to build a bright future for the city.”
Dr. Ilchman said, “We are honored to
partner with the Embassy of Italy on this important initiative to make a difference
for Venice, and we express our gratitude to Ambassador Varricchio.”
Headquartered in New
York City, Save Venice maintains a full-time office in Venice with staff
members diligently overseeing each conservation site. They are collaborating
with conservators and local authorities to assist with damage assessment and
plans for the recovery process. As new environmental challenges arise, Save
Venice and its family of experts are prepared to devise and implement
additional preservation protocols. The Board of Directors of Save Venice is
convinced that the time to act is now.
Venice is a leading American non-profit organization dedicated to
preserving the artistic heritage of Venice, Italy for the world. Founded in
response to the floods of 1966, the worst in recorded history, and incorporated
in 1971, Save Venice has since worked tirelessly to preserve, protect, and
promote the art and culture of Venice and has funded the conservation of more
than 550 projects comprising over 1,000 individual artworks. In 2015, Save
Venice established the Rosand Library & Study Center in Venice, creating a
nexus for the research of Venetian art, history, and conservation. Save Venice
also provides grants for fellowships, exhibitions, and publications to advance
Venetian scholarship and conservation.
Off the Map Travel, Northern Lights travel experts have added an environmental twist to their popular all-day Aurora itinerary in Svalbard, using e-snowmobiles powered by renewable energy from the Arctic winds and the Midnight sun, guests while searching for the Northern Lights.
(Longyearbyen, SVALBARD) — Off the Map Travel, Northern Lights travel experts have added an environmental twist to their popular all-day Aurora itinerary in Svalbard, making it the lowest impact Arctic Northern Lights adventure ever. Using e-snowmobiles powered by renewable energy from the Arctic winds and the Midnight sun, guests indulge their green sensibilities at any hour of the day while searching for the Northern Lights in the eco-friendly “Truly Green Aurora” holiday.
The new adventure is
based in Longyearbyen on the island of Svalbard at 78° North, an island
designated as a Sustainable Destination. The itinerary is recommended from
November to January when the skies over the island are almost permanently
black, forming a perfect backdrop for searching the Aurora both daytime and
“Although the Northern
Lights are a natural phenomenon and are never guaranteed, you need clear, dark
skies to optimize your chances to see them,” notes Jonny Cooper, Arctic travel
expert and founder of Off the Map Travel. He explains, “Svalbard’s dark skies
and extended Aurora viewing are due to the sun’s being at least 6 degrees below
the horizon. This means it can be dark all day so the Northern Lights can
appear at any time. In effect, the sun never rises.”
To compliment this eco
Arctic adventure, guests will also journey into the wilderness on a snowshoe
trek and hunt for the Aurora while driving a dogsled. The activities and
experiences minimize travel impact and encourage connection with the
environment and culture. The new holiday is in line with the reason Svalbard
and Longyearbyen were designated a prestigious Sustainable Destination where
travel experiences are designed to care for nature, culture and environment as
well as strengthen local social values.
“The new eBikes are
snowmobiles that use electric motors that are great for the environment as well
as totally quiet permitting a closer connection with local wildlife and
nature,” states Cooper. “The quiet engine allows for gentle searching of the
Northern Lights, reindeer, ptarmigans and polar foxes. Exploring some of the
most uncharted areas of our planet has never been more eco-friendly,” he adds.
As with any itinerary
from Off the Map Travel, every adventure can be tailor-made to fit the wishes
and requirements of any guest. As an example, a 4-day, 3-night A Truly Green All Day
Aurora itinerary with Off
the Map Travel, is priced starting from $1407 per person, not including
flights. This includes private transfers and three nights at Funken Lodge on a
B&B basis, Northern Lights evening at Camp Barentz, use of an
electric snowmobile under the Aurora, dog sledding under the Aurora,
snowshoeing to an ice cave, and a tour to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, an
underground bunker where seeds, nuts and plant species are stored and protected
against global crisis.
Off the Map Travel is a team of travel experts who work with
experiences and destinations that allow people to explore hidden wonders of the
world. Specializing in soft adventure and viewing of the Northern Lights, Off
the Map Travel creates tailor-made itineraries that offer a distinctive
vacation based on first-hand experience. Off the Map Travel vacations
anticipate travelers’ needs with pre-planning and customization. Each bespoke
itinerary is tailored to the ages of participants, creating experiences for
families, groups, couples and singles that are comfortable and luxurious, with
activity levels appropriate for all participants.
On Dec. 4, 2021, there will be a total eclipse of the sun in Antarctica, a region most can only dream about. But Adventure Smith Explorations, an international expert in small ship expedition cruising, has announced limited availability for voyages to the Antarctic Peninsula to witness this phenomenon that will only be seen in the south polar region.
CA – On Dec. 4, 2021, there
will be a total eclipse of the sun in Antarctica, a region most can only dream
about. But Adventure Smith Explorations, an international expert in small ship
expedition cruising, has announced limited availability for voyages to the
Antarctic Peninsula to witness this phenomenon that will only be seen in the
south polar region.
Vessels accommodating from 102 to 170 passengers are specifically appointed to
maneuver the ice-bound waters of Antarctica for positioning in the center of
the moon shadow during the eclipse.
Itineraries of 20 to 24 days will utilize in-depth technology to find the best
possible viewing area, hoping to ensure an unobscured sun.
Departures are round-trip from Ushuaia, Argentina, with explorations of the
Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula, the ultimate polar
wilderness. These eclipse cruises aim to be in the Weddell Sea to witness the
phenomena among giant tabular icebergs and sea ice.
For some passengers the eclipse will be the expedition’s highlight. However,
the ongoing adventure into spring in Antarctica will leave everyone in awe over
some of the world’s most impressive scenery, including icebergs of every size
and description, and Antarctica’s best wildlife viewing opportunities. Waters
rich with krill are home to a variety of whale and seal species. Penguins form
large nesting colonies on land.
Antarctica cruises, already once-in-a-lifetime experiences, become even more so on
the following small ships in December 2021. Following are the scheduled
departures for eclipse viewing:
Nov. 25-Dec. 14, 2021 – Polar Solar Eclipse, aboard the brand-new 170-guest Janssonius; per person double
rates from $16,400.
Nov. 26-Dec. 15, 2021 – Polar Solar Eclipse, aboard the brand-new 170-guest Hondius; per person double
rates from $16,400.
The Plancius, Janssonius and Hondius are purpose-built expedition vessels
designed exclusively for polar cruises. These ships offer top-tier activity
gear and exploratory educational travel programs, with guests spending as much
time ashore as possible.
Nov. 20-Dec. 12, 2021 – Antarctic Wildlife Adventure, aboard 114-guest Sea Spirit; per person double rates from $18,395. Complementing the strong
credentials of the ship’s team of marine biology, history, geology and
ornithology specialists will be Paul M. Sutter, astrophysicist, author,
speaker, producer and on-air host. His first book, Your Place in the
Universe; Understanding Our Big, Messy Existence, was published by
Prometheus Books in 2018. He is the author of over 50 articles on astrophysics
and serves as Chief Scientist of the Center of Science and Industry in
Columbus, Ohio.
On these National
Geographic cruises, photography experts will share information about special
equipment you’ll need if you want to create an image of the eclipse, like solar
filters. And the onboard National Geographic photographer and certified photo instructor
will prepare guests for the special challenges of shooting an eclipse from a
ship, where tripods and long exposures don’t work on what amounts to a moving
platform. A naturalist team and guest speakers will provide insight and
background on eclipses and other astronomical features one might encounter in
the Southern Ocean and Southern Hemisphere.
For intrepid explorers who can’t wait until 2021 to experience Antarctica,
AdventureSmith Explorations announces availability with some rate savings on the
following Antarctic expeditions in the 2019-2020 season.
Antarctic Peninsula – 5 percent savings if cruise for 2019, 2020 and 2021
seasons is booked by Dec. 1, 2019.
Antarctic Latitudes – save 15 percent on 2019-2020 cruises if booked by Nov.
30, 2019; and save up to $1,700 per person on 2020-2021 cruises if booked by
Dec. 31, 2019.
Founded in 2003,
AdventureSmith Explorations is based in Truckee, CA, near the northern shore of
Lake Tahoe. A recognized leader in small ship cruising, in 2012 owner Todd
Smith first joined the ranks of Condé Nast Traveler‘s prestigious world’s Top Travel Specialists
list as the leading expert on small ship expeditions.
For details on all of
AdventureSmith Explorations’ small ship cruises, itineraries, availability and
for 2019-2020 reservations, please call 866-575-2875 toll-free or visit
the company website.
Poseidon Expeditions, specialists in Arctic cruises, offers opportunities aplenty in the high Arctic wilderness between Norway and the North Pole to see reindeer as well as the King of the North, polar bear in their natural habitat. On Arctic Wildlife Safari and Bet of Svalbard cruises, guests can observe and learn such fun facts about these animals.
PROVIDENCE, RI– In an ancient ice age the
four-legged critter we associate with Santa’s sleigh lived as far south as
Tennessee. Whether those reindeer picked up a southern drawl is still up for
What’s non-debatable is that Rangifer tarandus or reindeer
(aka caribou), meaning snow shoveler, was so named by the Mi’kmaq, who were
among original inhabitants of the Atlantic Provinces of Northern Canada.
The specialists in Arctic cruises, Poseidon Expeditions, offers opportunities
aplenty in the high Arctic wilderness between Norway and the North Pole to see
reindeer as well as the King of the North, polar bear in their natural habitat.
On Arctic Wildlife Safari and Best of Svalbard cruises,
guests can observe and learn such fun facts about these animals as…
A reindeer’s hide is covered with hair follicles that are hollow and that trap air that provides insulation.
Their noses warm the air before it reaches the lungs.
In the winter, facial hair grows long to the mouth, protecting muzzles while grazing in snow.
Its body temperature adjusts to just above freezing to avoid losing body heat in extremely cold conditions.
Both male and female reindeer sport antlers.
They vocalize through air sacs in their neck, males warning other males away from girlfriends and females communicating with their young.
The knees of one subspecies of reindeer make a clicking noise while walking, sounds that allow a herd to stay together in a blizzard.
And about the polar bear?
Adult females often weigh between 500 and 600 pounds; males are double these weights. Cubs enter the world at around one pound, females reaching full weight at age five and males by age 10.
Ask anyone what color a polar bear is and they’ll reply “white” with total confidence. The fact is, their fur is actually transparent and holds no color. It only appears white because it reflects visible light. The transparent fur also traps in the sun’s heat to help keep the polar bear warm.
When polar bears swim, they use their large front paws to propel themselves through the water and their back legs to steer. They can actually move pretty fast at approximately at 6 mph, closing their nostrils when under water.
They can go days, even weeks, without eating. When they reach a week or more without food, their metabolism slows down and goes into starvation mode until the next meal.
Polar bear cubs learn to freeze or “play dead” while momma bear hunts for food. If they’re caught moving, mom will discipline them, with a smack to the head.
Two-thirds of polar bears could disappear by 2050 due to disappearing hunting grounds, or sea ice. They are now compelled to swim such long distances that they are drowning from exhaustion.
While cruising around seldom-visited, natural preserves of the far north, guests may also experience polar wildlife from the perspective of a kayak. Imagine paddling with bearded seals, large and peaceful creatures that are often encountered at close range reposing on ice floes in sheltered bays and fjords. Harbor seals and ringed seals can be seen from a kayak as well. Sometimes massive walrus can also be seen.
Guests may also access beluga whales via kayak. Paddling with these gentle and intelligent creatures in the wild — hearing their breaths and feeling their inquisitive gaze upon you — is a life-changing experience, especially if it happens to be a pod of over a hundred beluga whales swimming in long procession past and underneath the kayaks.
Poseidon Expedition’s sea kayak guides are well versed in the wildlife viewing and protection protocols developed by the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) and International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO).
The rates for 2020 Arctic Wildlife Safari, West Spitsbergen & Polar Ice Edge, are discounted: May 31-June 8, June 7-June 15, June 14-June 22 from $5,895 to $5,305; June 21-July 1 from $7,295 to $6,566 and June 30-July 11 from $8,095 to $7,286. On the June 7 departure guests receive a bonus, the opportunity to mingle with a polar bear expert from the Cincinnati Zoo.
Best of Svalbard, Svalbard & Polar Ice Edge cruises offers three departures in June and July 2020. Children under age 12 travel at half the regular rate when sharing a double-occupancy cabin with an adult. Per person double rates are from $10,095 double in a main deck suite.
For inquires and reservations in North America, or to request a catalog, contact the company’s Providence, RI, sales and reservation office at www, or call 347-801-2610, or contact your travel agent.
With offices in the US, UK, Germany, Russia, Cyprus and China, Poseidon Expeditions is a leading provider of polar expeditions in the cruise industry. The company is committed to safe and environmentally responsible polar travel. It is a member of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) and the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO).