Halifax, Nova Scotia – This August 10-18, Nova Scotia will host the Congrés mondial acadien (CMA), a worldwide celebration that takes place every five years and brings together the Acadian diaspora from around the world. With events stretched across the southwestern tip of the province, travelers can explore the history, culture, language, genealogy, music, food, crafts, and more, that are the essence of Nova Scotia’s Acadian roots.
From the brightly painted houses of Yarmouth and picturesque views of seaside villages like Belliveau Cove and Pointe-de-l’Eglise, visitors will find vivid reminders of the French settlers who first claimed Nova Scotia as their home in the early 1600s. The CMA reunites and welcomes communities, families, and visitors to the province to honor Acadian history and to commemorate the thousands displaced in 1755 when the Acadian people were expelled from the province by the British for not taking a vow of loyalty to King George III.
Congrès mondial acadien 2024 Festivities
The nine-day CMA celebration will bring together the worldwide Acadian diaspora to enjoy musical events, culinary and cultural attractions, and family gatherings. Several major outdoor concerts featuring noted Acadian artists are scheduled for several days, including Canada’s National Acadian Day on August 15.
Family reunions have been an integral part of the CMA since its founding in 1994 and are organized by related associations with support from the CMA to provide Acadian families the chance to meet cousins from across the world and celebrate family contributions past and present. Acadian families from the Amiraults, Gallants, LeBlancs, Thibodeaus and many more are planning activities, meals, dances, and presentations. For the most up-to-date list of family reunions taking place this year, those interested can visit https://cma2024.ca/en/family-reunions/information-for-participants.
Various culinary experiences will also be available to guests of the CMA 2024 including demonstrations, kitchen parties (an Atlantic Canadian tradition of casual gathering with songs, local food, and newfound friends), and opportunities to try famous Nova Scotian cuisine like rappie pie (a savory dish of potatoes, onion and chicken, beef or clams) along with the province’s famed fresh seafood.
The CMA is also an opportunity to tackle topics that are important to the Acadian community, including an economic conference, a women’s summit, thematic presentations, and major discussions on the future of Acadie. Young francophones aged 18 to 35 will have the opportunity to take part in workshops to help them hone skills in leadership, learn how to become engaged citizens, develop awareness of challenges in the Francophonie, and gather to exchange ideas and foster long-lasting connections. For more information about the Congrès Mondial acadien festivities, visit https://cma2024.ca/en/.
Throughout the summer, there are important Acadian historic sites to visit in Nova Scotia:
Grand Pré National Historic Site
Open from May 17 to October 14, the Grand Pré National Historic Site is a powerful way to discover the history of l’Acadie (a historical Acadian village in Nova Scotia settled from 1682 to 1755), its people and its culture. The location is a monument that unites the Acadian people, and for many, it is the heart of their ancestral homeland. Guided tours lead visitors through the center of this Acadian settlement and where they can learn about the history of the mass deportation of the Acadians, “Le Grand Derangement,” that began in 1755. This tragic event continues to shape the vibrant culture of modern-day Acadians across the globe. Tours are available in July and August.
Le Village Historique Acadien de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Visitors wishing to immerse themselves further in the vibrant Acadian culture of Nova Scotia can explore the oldest Acadian region still inhabited by descendants of its founder in Le Village Historique Acadien de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Founded in 1653 by Sieur Philippe Mius-d’Entremont, the village is a breathtaking, 17-acre space overlooking Pubnico Harbour. Attractions include historical buildings and original nineteenth century wooden homes like Duon House and Maximin d’Entremont House, a lighthouse and local cemetery, nature trails with natural fauna and flora indigenous to the area, and opportunities to learn about the historic Acadian fishing and farming traditions.
Rendez-vous de la Baie Visitor Centre
Open year-round and located on the campus of Université Sainte-Anne in Clare is Rendez-vous de la Baie Visitor Centre, an Acadian cultural and interpretive center. Attractions include an artist-run gallery, a souvenir boutique, a 263-seat performance theatre, an outdoor performance area, and more. Travelers can experience the interpretive center and museum which delve into the Acadian peoples’ history through multimedia displays of music and language with free guided tours available. The venue is also a trailhead for a three-mile network of walking trails leading to the breathtaking Nova Scotian coast, and guided walking tours are available.
For more information on the four provinces, visit these websites or follow on social media:
Nova Scotia
Web: www.novascotia.com
Instagram: @VisitNovaScotia
Twitter: @VisitNovaScotia
Facebook: @NovaScotia
Prince Edward Island
Web: www.tourismpei.com
Instagram: @tourismpei
Twitter: @tourismpei
Facebook: @tourismpei
Newfoundland and Labrador
Web: www.newfoundlandlabrador.com
Instagram: @newfoundlandlabrador
Twitter: @NLtweets
Facebook: @NewfoundlandLabradorTourism
New Brunswick
Web: www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca
Instagram: @DestinationNB
Facebook: @ExploreNB
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