The Global Scavenger Hunt, which has been organized by William and Pamela Chalmers of GreatEscape Adventures for over 15 years, was put on hold this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. Hopefully the Chalmers will bring it back as soon as possible. It was a trip-of-a-lifetime for me when I took part in the 15th annual around-the-world mystery tour in 2019. The trips are designed to instill an understanding of similarities and differences among cultures and people around the world, but also are designed to support projects through their GreatEscape Foundation.
Because of the pandemic, GreatEscape Foundation 2021 focus “is pivoting temporarily from our usual goals of building schools and assisting families with interest free micro-loans. Our plea this year is different,” they write.
“Instead, we find ourselves reflecting that while we have been overwhelmed with concerns about our own very personal existential anxieties, that the plight of world’s poorest has been forgotten. Our world has gotten smaller. Sadly, the erosion of decades of progress made against the beachhead of poverty has been significant. Growing legions of the world’s poorest are falling behind again and suffering awfully, in part because we have been so preoccupied in helping ourselves. But we cannot abandon helping others.
“Extraordinary times require extraordinary actions. This year, 100% of the funds raised will be immediately directed to address the hunger and displacement needs of millions of pandemic affected families.”
Chalmers created the Global Scavenger Hunt not just to promote the benefits of international travel to cultivate Global Citizens, and all the benefits of travel – from providing economic foundation to sustain places of history, heritage and culture that might otherwise be abandoned, provide jobs and improve the living standards for communities and societies, and promote an exchange of understanding and ideas just as Marco Polo did centuries ago, where we are also encouraged to engage in voluntourism projects along the way – but serves to support The Global Scavenger Hunt’s cause-related, charitable purposes. The annual event raises funds for GreatEscape Foundation’s twin goals: building co-ed elementary schools in low & middle income nations, and distributing interest-free no-fee micro-loans to budding global entrepreneurs (mostly mothers).
“Both our methods of helping others help themselves are designed to facilitate their great escape from the cycle of poverty—one person at a time! Happily, we have improved the lives of thousands: building a dozen schools, a mid-wife training facility, and funding thousands of mothers wanting to make a better life for their families,” Chalmers writes.
Make donations online at GlobalScavengerHunt.com/greatescape-foundation.
GreatEscape Adventures, 310-281-7809, GlobalScavengerHunt.com.
See: Global Scavenger Hunt: In the Scramble to Be Crowned ‘World’s Best Travelers’
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