Gibsonia, PA — Frontiers International Travel has introduced a luxury heli-fishing adventure to the only helicopter trout fly-out fishery in South America. Based at Lakutaia Lodge, anglers will fish the southernmost rivers of Chilean Patagonia in the UNESCO Cape Horn biosphere reserve on remote Navarino Island. Untouched trout waters abound with roads and paths of scarcity preserving the pristine nature of the region. The trip includes a night at the historic Hotel Jose Nogueira in Punta Arenas, round-trip lodge charter, and all fly-out fishing in one of the world’s most unique locales. Available January 15-April 15, an eight-day program starts at $7,600 per person. Custom group quotes are available, with only nine fly-out anglers allowed per week. For more information, visit http://www.frontierstravel.com/lakutaia-lodge or call Hank Ingram at 800-245-1950.
“The intimate landscape insures a chance to catch big Brown, Rainbow, Brook and Sea Run trout, accessible only by helicopter fly-in,” said Frontiers President Mike Fitzgerald. “This program is a mixture of Navarino Island’s rivers, creeks and lakes in one of the world’s most beautiful and wild regions.”
The Lakutaia Lodge features 22 comfortable rooms nestled among the indigenous flora and fauna of this southern most wilderness region. The cuisine embraces local seafood and coveted Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon wines.
Founded in 1969, Frontiers specializes in the finest worldwide fly fishing and shooting destinations, photographic safaris, as well as customized Elegant Journeys.
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