In conjunction with Bloomsday Festival held June 16, 2015 in Dublin, Ireland Walk Hike Bike offers total immersion via a week-long visitor excursion wrapped around this annual blow-out event commemorating writer James Joyce.
The self-guided tour immediately captivates guests on a suggested insider’s tour of the city. The events of Joyce’s novel Ulysses (which is set on 16 June 1904) are relived. The self-paced city tour allows trekkers to experience the historic festival before heading out into greater Ireland on a planned but self-guided six-day itinerary; City Trek Dublin & Wicklow 6-Day Self-Guided Hike.
The Bloomsday Festival involves a range of cultural activities including Ulysses readings, dramatizations and pub crawls. Guests often see festival goers dressing in Edwardian costume as they follow the trail of Molly Malone through Dublin’s fair city.
Later an adventure in Wicklow National Park brings guests through mountain passes and lush glacial valleys rich in archaeological treasures enroute to Glendalough, a 6th century monastic settlement nestled in the valley of two lakes. The walks are up to 21km daily, but guests are fortified by full Irish breakfasts each morning in their reserved lodgings. See: http://www.southwestwalksireland.com/tours/city-trek-dublin-wicklow-8-day-self-guided-hike-2/
Travelers may choose from two excursions, depending on the desired length of trip. The shortest version is six days and requires that the visitor be able to read a map and compass. The itinerary is also available as an 8 day tour which requires more stamina and is recommended for people who are physically fit and agile. Both tours are self-guided.
This is an independent tour with guests following a pre-ordained route with detailed route descriptions and maps and evenings enjoying accommodations (with full Irish breakfasts) reserved in advance by Ireland Walk Hike Bike. Guests have the convenience of 24-hour emergency support and telephone back up. Luggage is moved ahead of the walkers to their next destination.
Travelers who cannot make the June trip dedicated to the Bloomsday Festival may schedule this outing during other times of the year. Contact Ireland Walk Hike Bike for more information on both fully-guided and self-guided trips; Phone: USA/Canada 1 720 316 5973; email: [email protected], website: http://www.irelandwalkhikebike.com.
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