Anne Dimon, the founder/editor of Travel To Wellness and the co-founder/president of the Wellness Tourism Association, offered this marvelous recipe for an immune-boosting soup that comes from her friends at Grail Springs Retreat for Wellbeing in Bancroft, Ontario – just what we need while sequestered at home to keep healthy with comfort food that evokes the tastes and pleasures of travel. She writes:
It’s been a while since we reached out to you with wellness travel news and updates, and we sincerely hope all is good with you and your family in this time of global stress and disruption. While we are all going thru our own challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to keep positive that it will be contained, hopefully sooner rather than later. I have no doubt that you have been inundated with things you need to do to keep yourself and others safe and healthy, so we won’t bore you by reiterating the things you probably already know. Just one quick suggestion: there is a lot of misinformation out there. Take the advice of those you trust, like public health professionals.
So, to get to the point, one thing we all need to do is keep our immune systems strong. Yesterday, I whipped up a batch of this immune-boosting soup courtesy of our friends at Grail Springs Retreat for Wellbeing in Bancroft, Ontario. Once you have all the ingredients purchased, It takes about an hour to make. Double the recipe, freeze a batch for later, or share it with a family member, friend or neighbor.
Wherever you may be in the world today, know that we are all in this together. On a personal note, my husband is in the category of the most vulnerable so we, too, are being extra careful. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong. We shall overcome.
Sweet Potato, Coconut, Ginger Soup
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tsp salt
1 red onion chopped
3 celery stalks chopped
1 carrot peeled and chopped
1 inch of ginger root peeled and sliced
1 Tsp apple cider vinegar
2 small sweet potatoes peeled and chopped
1 can of coconut milk
Sauté onion in oil until softened. Add celery, carrot, ginger and salt and saute until they have softened about 5 minutes. Add apple cider vinegar and stir to de-glaze pan. Add sweet potato and coconut milk. Add water to cover and bring to a boil. Simmer until potatoes are soft.
Blend in a blender until smooth. Add water, coconut milk or almond milk to get desired consistency.
Launched in 2004, TravelToWellness.com was one of the first editorially-driven online resources for the wellness-minded traveler.
The Wellness Tourism Association www.wellnesstourismassociation.org is a not-for-profit with a mission to bring definitions and standards to the industry for the global good.
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