Three New Routes Added to the US Bicycle Route System, Now 20,000 Miles Headed to 50,000  

 While cycling USBR 95 along the California coast, stop off at the Piedras Blancas Viewpoint for a closeup view of elephant seal rookery.  © Karen Rubin/

Missoula, Montana – Adventure Cycling Association has announced major expansions to the United States Bicycle Route System, including three completely new routes, bringing the total to top a major benchmark of 20,000 miles. 

The U.S. Bicycle Route System is a developing national network of officially designated, numbered, and signed routes that use existing roads, trails, and other facilities appropriate for bike travel. It will eventually encompass 50,000 miles of routes and open new opportunities for cross-country travel, regional touring, and commuting by bike. It also benefits communities by providing new bicycle routes, enhancing safety, and increasing tourism and economic activity.  

The three new routes are USBR 51 in Arkansas, USBR 76 in Wyoming, and USBR 85 California. USBR 76 will be Wyoming’s first U.S. Bicycle Route. Additionally, Florida extended USBR 15 to go north-south through most of the state and California extended USBR 95 to finish the coastline. 

“State departments of transportation are focused on delivering a safe, multimodal transportation system that offers mobility for all,” said Jim Tymon, executive director of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. He noted that AASHTO is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing state DOTs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. AASHTO and Adventure Cycling formalized their nearly two-decade partnership of designating new bike routes by signing a memorandum of understanding in February 2021.

“The recent additions to and expansion of the USBRS network by Arkansas, California, Florida, and Wyoming further highlight the active transportation benefits that flow from partnership between AASHTO, state DOTs, and the Adventure Cycling Association,” Tymon said.  

Digital maps for all designated U.S. Bicycle Routes are available to the public for free on the Adventure Cycling Association website.  

With the new designation and realignments, the U.S. Bicycle Route System now boasts over 22,000 miles of routes in 35 states and Washington, D.C. At least 25 states are currently developing additional U.S. Bicycle Routes.  

“It’s satisfying to see the USBRS network grow and know that we are playing a part in making long distance bicycle travel more accessible to more people through these routes,” said Jenn Hamelman, Director of Routes. “None of this would be possible without new and long-standing partnerships with state departments of transportation and local advocates.” 

The nonprofit Adventure Cycling Association promotes bike travel and is the only organization that coordinates national development of the U.S. Bicycle Route System. Adventure Cycling staff offer technical assistance, volunteer coordination, and outreach to help states achieve official designation of routes. You can see a map of the corridor plan or photos of USBR 15 in Florida here.

The U.S. Bicycle Route System and the Adventure Cycling Route Network are quite different from the Great American Rail-Trail being promoted by the Rails to Trails Conservancy. Both the USBRS and ACRN use existing infrastructure to route cyclists between destinations while the end goal of the Great American Rail-Trail is to establish a 3,700 mile route across the country, east to west, from Washington D.C. to Washington state, entirely using paths and trails separate from automobile traffic.

More information about the U.S. Bicycle Route System:

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