SAN DIEGO, CA– San Diego-based Baja AirVentures has created a travel program that enables the best opportunities for marine mammal encounters on both sides of the Baja peninsula in one all-inclusive six day air-supported package. And the timing couldn’t be better because of a record number of whales in an area which is believed to have the highest concentration of Grey whales in the world.
The 6-day/5-night Best of Baja’s Whales, Dolphins & Sea Lions Tour departs every Monday and on several Tuesdays throughout February and March 2015. The all-inclusive per person rate, including private air carriage from San Diego, across the peninsula and back, is $2,795 (exclusive of 13% IVA Mexican tax and 3% Marine Park entrance fee).
The package includes private roundtrip air from San Diego with ample opportunity for aerial flightseeing, Pacific whale watching in Scammons Lagoon by motorized panga, two nights at a B&B in the Mexican hamlet of Guerro Negro and three nights of total seclusion at Baja AirVenture’s Las Animas beachside eco-lodge a scenic hour’s boat trip south of Bahia de Los Angeles on the pristine shores of the Sea of Cortez.
“The unique combination of both aerial and sea viewing on both coasts of the peninsula is something no other whale watching operator in Baja is able to offer,” says Kevin Warren, founder and owner of Baja AirVentures (http://www.bajaairventures.com/). “In fact, the opportunity to view these magnificent creatures from a bird’s eye perspective is a thrill and rarity in itself.”
Guests this year are in for a special treat. According to Warren, through conservation efforts, the Grey whale population in the Pacific continues to rebound and grow. Last year saw a new record with nearly 2,000 breeding adults and babies sited at Ojo de Libre (Scammons Lagoon). This prime location has the largest concentration of the Grey whales on the planet.
After departing from San Diego in a private plane for Scammons Lagoon, participants spend the better part of three days scanning and interacting with migrating California Gray whales by boat and from the air. This is where guests often get to actually “pet friendly whales” in their natural environment. Two nights are enjoyed at a cozy B&B in the small village of Guerro Negro. Prior to boat transfer to Las Animas Wilderness Eco-Lodge on Day Three, there’s more whale watching and an aerial tour of Laguna Ojo de Libre and the Midriff Island chain in the Sea of Cortez. Days Four and Five are spent desert hiking, kayaking, birdwatching and snorkeling with sea lions and dolphins. Boat excursions from Las Animas provide an added opportunity to view several types of whales, including Blue and Fin whales (the two largest species in the world).
A recent guest had this to say on Trip Advisor about their intimate encounters with the Grey whales, “The small-plane flights alone, with one pilot and five passengers, were a treat. Once on the water of Scammons Lagoon, we did not merely ‘watch’ wales! Instead, our skiff was at times surrounded by these magnificent creatures. Playful and seemingly curious calves met out-stretched hands, allowing themselves to be stroked and patted, while their enormous mothers swam watchfully close by.”
After crossing the peninsula to the Sea of Cortez, guests stay at Las Animas Wilderness Eco-Lodge. The only boat-in lodge along the entire coast, Las Animas is a remote, eco-friendly property that accommodates up to 14 guests in seven romantic, private beach-side yurts equipped with bathroom, solar shower, composting toilets, comfortable Queen and King sized beds, covered decks and skylight roofs. The yurts are built around the spacious main palapa which offers an expansive deck that serves as a central dining area, game area and communal lounge space.
The all-inclusive tour price of $2,795 includes double occupancy B&B and yurt accommodations, roundtrip air from San Diego, naturalist guided outings and lectures, boat transportation, healthy homemade meals, beverages (including beer and margaritas) and such activities as kayaking, snorkeling, swimming, sailing and hiking.
For details on the Best of Baja tour call 800-221-9283 or visit online:
For information on other adventure packages offered year-round by Baja AirVentures visit www.bajaairventures.com.
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