VANCOUVER, BC – Spiritual ceremonies hearkening to ancient times take center stage when a small group of inquisitive travelers embark on a Jan. 28-Feb. 5, 2017 tour with Sacred Earth Journeys to explore the culture and archaeology surrounding Maya sacred temples in Mexico and Guatemala.
Sacred Earth Journeys , a leader in spiritual travel since 2003, has engaged two of the world’s top specialists to guide its Maya Temples of Transformation tour. The nine-day, eight-night journey is priced at $3,580 per person, double occupancy.
Freddy Silva is a best-selling author, researcher of ancient knowledge systems, alternative history and earth mysteries, and one of the world’s leading metaphysical speakers. His book, The Lost Art of Resurrection: Initiation, Secret Chambers and the Quest for the Otherworld, reveals how ancient mystery schools taught secrets about life and death.
Co-leader Miguel Angel Vergara is a master of Maya wisdom. He studied for 17 years with a Mayan elder and wisdom keeper. He now teaches traditions including shamanism, philosophy and healing. The author of The Sacred Knowledge of the Maya, he enjoys helping others experience the powerful energy of Mayan sites.
The program starts in the Mexican State of Chiapas near Palenque with a cleansing ceremony and meditation in a cave hidden behind a waterfall. At the Palenque complex the group can experience a “Breath of Life” ritual, symbolizing a living resurrection. Containing some of the finest examples of Maya architecture, sculpture, roof comb and bas-relief carvings in the world, the ancient city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
Another tour highlight is an Usumacinta River boat journey along the Guatemalan border with a breakfast stop in the pristine jungle. The destination is a sacred site most outsiders rarely see, Yaxchilan, where initiates once performed secret rites believed to enable time and space travel.
In Guatemala, the group will explore Tikal, a vast complex that features the tallest of all Mayan pyramids, said to allow attunement with the stars. One of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya, it was declared a National Monument in 1931 and then a National Park in 1955 becoming one of Guatemala’s first formally protected areas. In 1979 it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In addition to exploring ancient sites, there will also be delicious meals in ethnic restaurants, stops for shopping in colourful handicraft markets, and personal free time for journaling or reflection. See: www.sacredearthjourneys.ca/current-tours/maya-temples-of-transformation-with-freddy-silva-and-miguel-angel-vergara-2017.
“This is an inner journey as well as an exciting cultural exploration,” said Helen Tomei, President of Sacred Earth Journeys. “It’s a rare opportunity for modern pilgrims to discover how ancient Mayan wisdom can help them connect more deeply with themselves, their planet, and the cosmos.”
For more information, program availability and reservations please visit www.sacredearthjourneys.ca, email: [email protected], or call toll-free: 877-874-7922 (Local number: 604-874-7922).
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