ATLANTIC CANADA – Following Canada’s border reopening announcement, the four provinces of Atlantic Canada will open to fully vaccinated American travelers beginning August 9, 2021.
Conveniently located just north of the U.S. border of Maine, Atlantic Canada is a crowd-free, coastal region made up of the four Canadian provinces New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Prince Edward Island.
The mid-August border opening allows U.S. travelers to enjoy the late summer season in Atlantic Canada, which offers temperate weather, warm coastal waters, and outdoor adventure. The fall boasts colorful foliage and several world-class food and cultural festivals. Easily accessible from the Northeast, the region offers breathtaking coastlines, fresh seafood, wide-open outdoors spaces, land and water experiences, and so much more.
All travelers must use ArriveCAN (app or web portal) to submit their travel information. In addition to adhering to Canada’s federal travel guidelines, each province within Canada has their own set of travel restrictions and requirements to protect residents from COVID-19. As protocols vary by each province, here is what travelers need to know about entry to each province to plan their next Atlantic Canada adventure.
New Brunswick
Once the Canadian federal border opens on August 9, New Brunswick will welcome American travelers who have received the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine that is accepted by the Government of Canada. Further details can be found here.
Newfoundland & Labrador
Starting August 9, fully vaccinated U.S. travelers are permitted to enter Newfoundland & Labrador and are required to submit a travel form within 72 hours of their expected travel date and follow public health guidelines during their stay. Fully vaccinated travelers are not required to self-isolate or be tested for COVID-19 upon their arrival to the province. More information can be found here.
Nova Scotia
Beginning August 9, American visitors who qualify as fully vaccinated travelers are required to apply for entry to Nova Scotia before arriving to the province. Fully vaccinated travelers are people who have gone two weeks (14 days) since a full course of one of the four COVID-19 vaccines approved by Health Canada. Travelers must also complete a Nova Scotia Safe Check-In Form, along with proof of vaccination status for each adult traveler ages 18 or older. Further detailed travel information is available here. All travelers, vaccinated or not, must present a suitable quarantine plan in case quarantine is required.
Prince Edward Island
U.S. citizens and permanent residents in the United States, who are fully vaccinated with Canadian-authorized COVID-19 vaccines and are granted permission to enter Canada by the federal government on or after August 9, 2021, will also be eligible to apply for a PEI Pass, which verifies that they are fully vaccinated and can visit PEI without isolating. U.S. travelers will be tested upon entry to PEI. For more information, click here.
About Atlantic Canada Agreement on Tourism (ACAT):
This project has been made possible through funding provided by the Atlantic Canada Agreement on Tourism (ACAT). ACAT is a nine-member pan-Atlantic initiative comprising the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the four Atlantic Canada Tourism Industry Associations, and the four Provincial Departments responsible for tourism.
For more information on the four provinces, visit these websites or follow on social media:
New Brunswick
Web: www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca
Instagram: @DestinationNB
Twitter: @SeeNewBrunswick
Facebook: @DestinationNB
Nova Scotia
Web: www.novascotia.com
Instagram: @VisitNovaScotia
Twitter: @VisitNovaScotia
Facebook: @NovaScotia
Newfoundland and Labrador
Web: www.newfoundlandlabrador.com
Instagram: @newfoundlandlabrador
Twitter: @NLtweets
Facebook: @NewfoundlandLabradorTourism
Prince Edward Island
Web: www.tourismpei.com
Instagram: @tourismpei
Twitter: @tourismpei
Facebook: @tourismpei
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