This is the final call to apply for GetWindstream’s Amazing Race style Paper Map challenge!
20 years after the Amazing Race first aired, you and your partner will be tasked with completing GetWindstream’s scavenger hunt for $1,500 at the finish line—your only tools: a paper map and a compass (absolutely no GPS).
What our navigators will do:
- The winning couple will get a compass, camera, journal, and paper map of your local area before they begin.
- You will have 7 days to navigate to 3 pre-selected locations in your local area and document their experience along the way. No Google Maps, no Waze, no Apple Maps, no GPS!
- Once you have completed the challenge, send in your documented experience and receive $1,500. It is that easy!
Why: It’s no secret that technology is tied to everything we do and the pandemic has only reinforced this. We want to understand exactly how reliant we are on modern technology like GPS—and how often we’d be lost without it!
When: The dream job will close on October 31, 2021 at 12a.m MT.
How did families on road trips find their route before the internet? How did pirates find buried treasure without a GPS? How would you find your way around your city without your smartphone?
The answer: a good ol’ fashioned paper map.
We live in a time where cars have computers that can instantly calculate the fastest route to your destination and everyone has a device in their pocket that can be triangulated by satellites at any moment, but it wasn’t very long ago that this wasn’t the case.
Over the past few decades, high-speed internet connections and GPS technology have slowly replaced the need for navigating with bulky atlases and road maps. These days, you can use your phone to just as easily find the perfect route across the country or to the new pizza place downtown, which means that many young people have never had to use a paper map to navigate from Point A to Point B.
If a paper map was your only option, could you find your destination? It’s time to find out.
GetWindstream is selecting one lucky young couple to pay $1,500 to complete its Paper Map Challenge. The couple will have seven days to work as a team to find three different locations in their city with the help of only a paper map. Sound easy? Don’t be so sure.
GetWindstream, experts in internet and technology, is an authorized reseller of Windstream.
The full list of rules and qualifications can be viewed here: https://www.getwindstream.com/news/paper-map-couples-challenge#the-challenge
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