If you are planning a quest with a goal is to see wildlife, the experts in viewing wildlife through habitat-sustaining practices underscore that when a trip is to be taken is as important as the destination itself.
Josh Cohen, founder of Wild Planet Adventures, outlines the times of year his guests can experience the most intense sightings of the wildlife they travel far to discover.
BORNEO: March to October is the best viewing window for The Ultimate “Weird and Wonderful Wildlife” Safari that combines rainforest hiking and eco-responsible river cruises. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include Orangutan, Proboscis Monkey, Bornean Gibbon, Macaques, Langurs, Pygmy Elephant, Bearded Pig, over 620 bird species. “Weird and Wonderful” animal sightings may include the color-changing Flying Frog, Flying Lemur and Draco Lizard. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) include Tarsier and Slow Loris (both primates), Marble Cat, Clouded Leopard, Bornean Rhinoceros, Sun Bear, and the Paradise Gliding Tree Snake and Lung-less Frog. This 10-day program is from $5,998 per person, double occupancy (exclusive of domestic flights) for a minimum of four. See: http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=borneo&trip=weird-wonderful-wildlife-12-day-borneo&tab=1
INDIA & NEPAL: November to April are preferred months for Untamed India & Nepal 19-Day Wildlife Safari that embraces national parks in two countries. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include Macaque, Langur and Rhesus Monkeys, Elephants, Rhinoceros, Wild Buffaloes, Muntjac, Chital, Nilgai Bluebuck Antelope, Sambar Deer, Mongoose, Sloth Bear, Striped Hyena, Golden Jackal, Otter, Wild Boar, Tigers, Leopards, reptiles and 450 Bird species. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) include Fishing, Jungle and Desert Cat, Chinkara, Desert Fox and Cobras. The per person double occupancy rate is from $6,998 (minimum six). See: http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=india&trip=untamed-india-nepal-19-day-wildlife-safari
THAILAND & LAOS: November to June are the best months for Thailand & Laos Ultimate Wildlife 15-Day EcoTour spanning more than four national parks and including exclusive ways of bringing guests right to the wildlife. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include up to 13 primate species, Elephants, Civets, Braking and Sambar Deer, Monitor Lizards and Birds. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) include Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Gaur, Serow, Malaysian Sun and Asiatic Bear, Flying Fox, Giant Porcupine, Slow Loris and Flying Draco Lizard. The per person double rate is from $4,498 (minimum four). See: http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=thailand&trip=ultimate-wildlife-15-day-eco-tour-thailand&tab=1
COSTA RICA: Think December to May and again July (Veranito season) for the Costa Rica Ultimate Wildlife 14-Day EcoTour spanning 12 distinct ecological zones. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include Squirrel Monkeys, Tamandua (Anteater), Kinkajou, Agouti, Dolphins, Tayra, Peccaries (collared and white-lipped), Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, Walking Sticks, Eyelash Pit Viper, Fer-de-lance, Leaf-Cutter Ants, and such birds as Resplendent Quetzals, Scarlet Macaws, Lovely Coatings, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Green Honeycreepers, Roseate Spoonbill, Woodstorks, Crested Caracara, Purple Gallinule, Northern Jacanas, and Great Curassow. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) include Jaguar and other cats, Tapir, Porcupine, Silky Anteater, Grey Fox, Olingo, Paca, Grison, Caiman, Fleishman’s Glass Frogs (see-through), Leatherback Turtles, Green Turtles, Hercules Beetles and more. The per person, double rate (minimum four) is from $4,798. See: http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=costa-rica&trip=ultimate-wildlife-14-day-eco-tour-costa-rica
PANAMA: December to July are the best months for a Panama Ultimate Wildlife 10-Day EcoTour that combines rain and cloud forest experiences with the sea. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include Howler, White-faced Capuchin and Squirrel Monkeys, Three- and Two-toed Sloth, Coatimundi, Bats, Kinkajou, Agouti, Tayra, Peccaries (Collared and White-lipped), Dolphins, Crocodiles, Blue Morpho Butterflies, Basilisk (Jesus Christ lizards), Poison Arrow and Red-eyed Tree Frogs, Walking Sticks, Sea Turtles, Fer-de-Lance, Leaf-cutter Ants and 600 species of birds. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) may include Jaguar and other Cats, Tapir, Porcupine, Silky Anteater, Grey Fox, Olingo, Paca, Grison, Fleishman’s Glass Frogs (see-through), Leatherback and Green Turtles and more. The per person double rate is from $3,998. See http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=panama&trip=ultimate-wildlife-10-day-eco-tour-panama
BRAZIL: The best time for spotting wildlife here is July to October on a program called Jaguar’s Trail: Pantanal to Amazon 15-Day Adventure. Cohen calls this “our most value-packed itinerary” featuring wildlife safaris by jeep, boat and foot in three different regions of the Pantanal and a remote area of the Amazon. Cohen also reports, “We average spotting1.5 jaguars per day, and sometimes as many as 7!” Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include Bown Capuchin, Black Howler, Duski Titi, White-Whiskered Spider, Gold & Black and Red-Handed Howler Monkey, Black-Tailed, Silvery and Emilia’s Marmoset, Giant and Neotropical Otter, Black and Spectacled Caiman, Collared and White-Lipped Peccary, Marsh, Red Brocket and Brown Brocket Deer, Brazilian Rabbit, Brazilian Porcupine, Short-Tailed Possum, Jaguar, Brazilian Tapir, South American Coati. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) may include Bare Ear Marmoset, Feline Night and Red-Nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, Emilae’s Marmoset, Harpy Eagle, Ocelot, Puma, Azara’s Agouti, Punare, Colocolo. The per person double rate is from $7,198 (minimum six). See http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=brazil&trip=jaguars-trail-pantanal-amazon-15-day
PERU: March to October are the preferred months for a program called Ultimate Wildlife Amazon & Machu Picchu 13-day Adventure including both Tambopata Biosphere Reserve and the remote Manu Biosphere Reserve. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include Brown Capuchin, Squirrel, Dusty Headed Titi, Red Howler, Spider, Night and Wooly Monkey; Saddleback Tamarin, Macaws in all hues, Toucan, Capybara, Giant River Otter, Tyra, Brown Agouti, Sloth, Pygmy Marmoset, Emperor Tamarin, Monk Saki and Tapir. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) may include Goeldi’s Monkey, Jaguar, Jaguarundi, Puma, Ocelot, Bush Dog, Harpy Eagle, Silky and Giant Anteater. The per person double rate is from $5,498 (minimum four). See: http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=peru&trip=ultimate-wildlife-amazon-machu-picchu-13-day
ZAMBIA: July to October are preferred months for an Ultimate Wildlife 18-Day Safari in one of Africa’s least crowded and most wildlife-rich destinations. Prolific & Likely wildlife sightings include African Elephant, African Buffalo, Hippopotamus, Southern Giraffe, Plains (Burchell’s) Zebra, Roan, Sable, Bushbuck, Common Duiker, Impala, Puku, Greater Kudu, Warthog, Bush Pig, Aardvark, Banded Mongoose, Slender Mongoose, White-Tailed Mongoose, Lion, Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Side-striped Jackal, African Civet, Large-Spotted Genet, Cheetah, Leopard, Wild Dog, Honey Badger, Vervet (Green) Monkey, Yellow Baboon, Rodents, Shrews Reptiles and Birds. Rare or Endangered (possible sightings) include Grysbok, Steenbok, Suni, Tsessebe, Crawshay’s Zebra, Hartebeest, Black Rhino, Aardwolf, Bat-eared Fox, Tree Hyrax, Mongoose (Dwarf, Bushy-Tailed, Selous, Marsh Mongoose, Meller’s) Temminck’s Pangolin, Striped Polecat (Zorilla), Serval, Caracal, African Wild Cat, Small-spotted Genet, Black-Backed Jackal, Chacma Baboon, Samango (Blue) Monkey, Maloney’s Monkey, Night Ape and more. The per person double rate is from $13,998 (exclusive of domestic flights at $2,198 per person). See: http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/destinations/?country=zambia&trip=ultimate-wildlife-18-day-safari-zambia
In April 2014 Wild Planet Adventures received its fifth “Worlds’ 50 Best Trips” award from the editors of National Geographic Traveler for its “On the Jaguar’s Trail; from the Pantanal to the Amazon” wildlife safari in Brazil.
For detailed itineraries and booking information, visit http://www.wildplanetadventures.com/, email [email protected] or call 1.800.990.4376.
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